Operational Outline

The Operational Outline is the matching counterpart to Strategic Planning of the enterprise. Both instruments serve to allow a general and economic overview. In the Operational Outline we develop the global operational guidelines of the institution. By developing an Operational Outline at early stage for the enterprise we visualise the leading goals for the operational structures. Thus we can avoid cumbersome and time consuming details of the operational concepts which become necessary at later stage in the project.
We consider Operational Outline and Operational Concept to be substantially different planning and decision levels.
While in many projects Operational Concepts are introduced already at an early stage, we precede this with an extra step in planning: the “Operational Outline”. In so doing we can avoid conflicts between levels of different detailing within strategic planning issues and technical already highly differentiated questions from the Operating Concepts.
The development of an Operational Outline does therefore not represent an additional and time consuming extra task. On the contrary the Operational Outline saves a lot of time as unnecessary detailed discussions during the early strategic phase of the project can be avoided and allocated accordingly to the later and more detailed planning phases.